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Friday, January 29, 2010

Getting things done – The IT professional/geek edition

  • The December issue of Information week
  • Design Principles
  • Intel Parallel Studio evaluation CD
  • ”Core Java volume 1 fundamentals”;
  • ”Web Application Architecture Guide”

These are just a few of the stuff on my desk,and represents what I try to do as
it relates to growing my knowledge to information technology. I am sure I am not alone.
As IT professionals/geeks we are bound to keep our skills up the date else we find ourself in the Smithsonian. We keep our skills up to date by learning a new language or framework or working on projects outside our 9-5 job. I would see all this stuff
on my desk and wonder where to start. I realized that I needed a process/framework for getting things done as it relates to learning and keeping my skills update.

It was recently I was introduced to David's Allen Getting Things Done, and I must say that I wished I had found it earlier. Before reading this book, I would say to myself that I wanted to learn a new programing language or a new framework;however after I read this book I learned that I needed to say what are the next actions/steps to take to learn that new programming language. recently posted an article about 50 books every geek should read.I was pleasantly surprise to see that Getting Things Done had made that list.I totally agree that this a book every geek should read and highly recommend it.

As you can see from the diagram, the Getting Things Done (GTD) process is a recursive one.
You process each of the the stuff you have collected in your “in-basket”.
For me it is all those IT related magazines,programming books,white papers,etc,etc.
GTD makes you ask yourself two questions
  1. What is this stuff in my in basket
  2. Is it actionable ?

The answer to the second question puts you on your path to productivity. Your answer can result in:
  • Stuff you do not need – hence you trash it or file it for some reference
  • The creation of a plan (to learn a new programming language)
  • The next actions you need to take( This could be buying that ruby book as part of your plan to learn ruby)
GTD does not have to apply to learning and keeping up your IT skills. It can be applied to your to your home and work life as well.

So to all you geeks/IT professionals, go and get things done!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Season's greetings from openSUSE

I installed openSUSE 11.2 and I must say I find it a candidate for the Linux desktop. One observation , and it started happen close to Christmas, was this screen (see photo) during the booting of openSUSE. (Taking a photography class is now on my to do list)

The boot screen looks like a postcard from the north pole. The tux Linux penguins were all decked out for the Christmas holidays.

I guess it is openSUSE's way of saying "Merry Christmas and all the best for 2010"

What oath/code of ethic do you follow?

On November 13 2009, two programmers who worked for Bernie Madoff were arrested. They were charged with criminal conspiracy and accused of producing false documents and trading records. This arrest has shown that that IT professionals can also be arrested if the company they work for was involved in illegal activities.

Doctors are bound by the Hippocratic oath; however what oath/code of ethics do we as IT professionals follow.A portion of the short version of the Preamble for the Association for Computer Machinery's Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice reads:

Software engineers shall commit themselves to
making the analysis,specification, design,
development,testing and maintenance of software
a beneficial and respected profession. In
accordance with their commitment to the
health, safety and welfare of the
public, software engineers shall adhere...
A portion of the The Canada's Association of Information Technology Professionals code of ethics reads:
All CIPS members (including students) agree to
abide by the Code of Ethics and its ethical
Protecting the Public Interest
and Maintaining Integrity;
These two codes of ethics both refer to protecting the public. If the Bernie Madoff programmers had follow one of these code of ethics we may not have had one the biggest ponzi schemes in recent times. We as IT professionals are committed to our company to ensure that the company's strategic goals are met;however we must be aware of deliverable we produce will not cause harm to the public or violate ethical boundaries. We may fear job loss if we protest in the light of illegal activities;however isn't it more fearful living in prison cell ?